NELP’s Unemployment Insurance Policy Hub

Resources for Unemployment Insurance Policy Advocates

Welcome to the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Policy Hub. This site was created by the National Employment Law Project (NELP) as a guide for state advocates. The UI Policy Hub offers resources to improve state UI programs and strengthen economic security for workers and their families.

Policy Advocacy Briefs Model State Legislation
Learn more about key UI policy topics and find helpful resources to improve UI in your state. Find model state legislation to implement NELP’s policy recommendations.

Go to Policy Advocacy Briefs to see a list of UI policy topics covered in this hub. For example, learn how to make more workers eligible for UI in your state in the policy advocacy brief Monetary Eligibility Requirements. Each brief provides key definitions, an overview of the topic, federal requirements and guidance, recommendations for reforming current state policies, and a summary of research findings and arguments to support reform efforts. The policy advocacy briefs also include resources for additional reading, as well as easy-to-follow information on how to find relevant data about UI in your state.

Go to Model State Legislation to find suggested legislative language to implement NELP’s policy recommendations in your state legislature. Reach out to us to join the NELP Connect UI Advocates Community, which includes a discussion board, listserv, and resource library for advocates, researchers, and policy makers who are promoting UI reform in states across the country. We also welcome feedback on what resources are helpful as we develop additional content. Contact us at

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